Package-level declarations


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Mutable version of Preferences. Allows for creating Preferences with different key-value pairs.

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Public factory for creating PreferenceDataStore instances.

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abstract class Preferences

Preferences and MutablePreferences are a lot like a generic Map and MutableMap keyed by the Preferences.Key class. These are intended for use with DataStore. Construct a DataStore instance using PreferenceDataStoreFactory.create.


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Get a key for a Boolean preference. You should not have multiple keys with the same name (for use with the same Preferences). Using overlapping keys with different types can result in ClassCastException.

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Get a key for an ByteArray preference. You should not have multiple keys with the same name (for use with the same Preferences). Using overlapping keys with different types can result in ClassCastException.

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Get a key for a Double preference. You should not have multiple keys with the same name (for use with the same Preferences). Using overlapping keys with different types can result in ClassCastException.

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suspend fun DataStore<Preferences>.edit(transform: suspend (MutablePreferences) -> Unit): Preferences

Edit the value in DataStore transactionally in an atomic read-modify-write operation. All operations are serialized.

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Get a new empty Preferences.

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Get a key for a Float preference. You should not have multiple keys with the same name (for use with the same Preferences). Using overlapping keys with different types can result in ClassCastException.

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Get a key for an Int preference. You should not have multiple keys with the same name (for use with the same Preferences). Using overlapping keys with different types can result in ClassCastException.

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Get a key for an Long preference. You should not have multiple keys with the same name (for use with the same Preferences). Using overlapping keys with different types can result in ClassCastException.

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Construct a MutablePreferences object with a list of Preferences.Pair. Comparable to mapOf().

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Construct a Preferences object with a list of Preferences.Pair. Comparable to mapOf().

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Get a key for a String preference. You should not have multiple keys with the same name (for use with the same Preferences). Using overlapping keys with different types can result in ClassCastException.

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Get a key for a String Set preference. You should not have multiple keys with the same name (for use with the same Preferences). Using overlapping keys with different types can result in ClassCastException.